Scavenger Vessels Environment Ocean Water Solutions. The contamination of our waterways by biological and chemical waste, floating debris and runoff is a growing concern worldwide. As a result of human activity, large amounts of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, RAW SEWAGE and hydrocarbons are introduced into the water. These, in turn, allow harmful bacteria like E.coli, viruses, algae and insects to breed.
The Scavenger2000™ is the most effective pollution control and water maintenance vessel available in the WORLD today. It has been designed by a United States of America company called Water Management Technologies to clean and rejuvenate waterways such as lakes, river, harbors, bays and industrial waste water in order to promote HEALTHY and SAFE environments.
At the heart of the Scavenger Vessel is the OxyPlus™ advanced water decontamination system. When oxygen is injected into polluted water, the enrichment contributes directly to reducing contaminants suspended in the water. With the addition of ozone to the aeration process a very powerful yet environmentally safe disinfection occurs in the body of water being treated by the Scavenger Vessel™.
Ozone has been applied with great success in municipal sewer treatment processes worldwide because of its ability to disinfect water without leaving the harmful by-products left by chlorine. In fact, ozone has been found to be more than 100 times more powerful than chlorine in destroying E.coli bacteria.
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